Friday, June 22, 2007


On the idea of Archiving

For the Art Project, I recommend to the artists, this few readings by Groys.

Boris Groys, "What carries the Archive - and for how long?"[Information is Alive / AAA REF200509081]

Boris Groys, "Art in the Age of Biopolitics - From Artwork to Art Documentation" [Documenta 11_ Platform 5: Exhibition/AAA EX.GER.DOC]

Boris Groys, "The Museum in the Age of Mass Media"
[MJ - Manifesta Journal /AAA PER.MJO]

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Reading Group

Asia Art Archive together with its guest curator Jaspar Lau is now organizing a series of reading group as part of the current project “HistoriCITY—Art Historical Writing in and On Hong Kong”.

By inviting artists, art writers, curators and scholars, we hope to initiate continuous and in-depth discussions over the state of art historical writing, with reference to the recent publications on Hong Kong art history. The reading group will consist of 5 sessions, starting from 27 June until 19 September, with different focuses on art historical writing.

For more information about the reading group as well as the entire project, please contact Janet Chan, Asia Art Archive Research Coordinator
Tel: (852) 2815 1112

Selected Reading Materials Suggested for First Round Reading Group

《從現實到夢幻 陳福善的藝術》[MONL.CHL2]
From Reality toFantasy – The Art of Luis Chan [MONL.CHL2]

Luis Chan, “Introduction,” from Evolution of Paintings in the Twentieth Century,”頁/pages 129-131

Laurence Tam, “Luis Chan: My Teacher and Art Advisor”頁/pages / (41) 42, 44, 45-47.

David Clarke, Hong Kong Art [REF.CLD]
pages 7-11, 13-25, 34-37, 211-213

{中文替代閱讀 祁大衛:〈邁向內在去殖民—陳福善的繪畫的發展〉,收《從現實到夢幻 陳福善的藝術》,頁141-145。}

頁(175-176), 191-195

Petra Hinterthuer, Modern Art in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Myer Publishing Ltd., 1985), pp. 53-58.


Law Man Lok's work (1st stage) is ongoing as well

just check out REF.ZHQ at AAA

Friday, June 15, 2007


HC:AP 已進行中

A live performance of Archiving Action in AAA by Tsang Tak-ping, from 14 June - 16 October 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007








參與藝術家 (目前名單)

李 傑


其它與「歷史-城 -香港藝術史書寫」相關計劃在展覽以外,計劃將同期舉辦一系列由客席策展人或其邀嘉賓主持的讀書組月敘,以及一次安排於九月二十九日下午假香港藝術館演講廳的「香港藝術史書寫」的座談會。相關詳情請留意日後公佈。

若有查詢,請聯絡亞洲藝術文獻庫 或
劉建華 電郵:


Sunday, June 10, 2007


Project References:(under constant update)


Michael Podro, The Critical Historians of Art (1982) [n]
A. L. Rees & F. Borzello, The New Art History (London: Camden Press Ltd., 1986). [n]
Mark W. Roskill, What is Art History?(1989) [n]
Donald Preziosi, Rethinking Art History: Mediations on a Coy Science (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989). [n]
Vernon H. Minor, Art History's History (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1993). [n](hku hkaa)
Arthur Danto, After the End of Art – Contemporary Art and the Pale of History (Princeton University Press, 1997). [j]
Hans Belting, Art History after Modernism (The University of Chicago Press, 2003) [originally published as Das Ende der Kunstgeschichte. Eine Revision nach zehn Jahren (1995)]. [j]
Theirry de Duve, Kant after Duchamp (MIT Press,1996). [j]
Visual Culture Questionnaire, October 77 (Summer, 1996), 25-70. [n]
Nichloas Mirzoeff (ed.), The Visual Culture Reader (Routledge, 1998). [pl]
Nichloas Mirzoeff, Introduction to Visual Culture (London: Routledge, 1999). [pl]
James Elkins, Our Beautiful, Dry, and Distant Texts – Art History as Writings (Routledge, 2000) [j]
Theirry de Duve, Look! (Ludion, 2001)[j]
Keith Moxey, Michael Ann Holly (ed.), Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies (Clark Studies in the Visual Arts) (Clark Art Institute, 2003). [n]
James Elkins, Visual Studies: A Skeptical Introduction (Routledge, 2003). [n]{e-v:j}
H. Foster, B. Buchloh, R. Krauss, Y. Bois (ed.), Art Since 1900 (Thames & Hudson, 2004)[AAA]
James Elkins, Master Narratives and Their Discontents (Routledge, 2005).[j] Dealing With The Visual: Art History, Aesthetics And Visual Culture (Ashgate Publishing, 2005). [n]
James Elkins (ed.), Art History Versus Aesthetics (Routledge, 2006).[j]

呂澎:〈什麼是當代史?—關於當代藝術史的寫作〉,《藝術當代》(Vol4/2005),頁16-18。 [AAA]
呂澎:〈重要的不是什麼是當代—我們應該關注在歷史中形成的當代性〉,《藝術當代》(Vol5/2006),頁18-20。 [AAA]
呂澎:〈歷史的合法性--關於藝術史寫作中的幾個問題〉,《藝術當代》(Vol3/2007),頁22-25。 [AAA]



Petra Hinterthür, Modern Art in Hong Kong (Myer Publishing, 1985) [j]

市政局及香港美術團體歷史展覽執委會:《香港美術團體歷史展覽》(香港:香港美術團體歷史展覽執委會,1993)。Hong Kong Visual Arts Organizations Documentary Exhibition. (1993). [j]

《正反》INDIRECTION (MOST, 1993) [j]

香港藝術館編:《香港藝術家》第一輯(香港:香港市政局,1995)。Hong Kong Artists. Volume 1 (1995). [AAA]

David Clarke, Art and Place: Essays on Art from a Hong Kong Perspective (Hong Kong, 1996) [AAA]

香港藝術館編:《香港藝術一九九七 ── 香港藝術館藏品展‧北京‧廣州》(香港:香港臨時市政局,1997)。(文樓/王無邪/鄧海超)[AAA]



華立強、何慶基編:《香港藝術概覽》(香港:國際藝評人協會香港支會,1999)。Hong Kong Art Review (AICA 1999) [j]
---David Clarke, “Hong Kong: The Development of Modern Art,” , pp. 60-65 (chi: 66-69).
---Nigel Cameron,“Hong Kong: The Development of Modern Art,” pp. 60-65 (chi: 66-69).
---曾德平:〈香港當代視覺藝術的困境〉,頁76-79。(Eng: 70-75)
---Eric Otto Wear, “No Place is Home: Outmanoeuvring Cultural / Racial Identity in Hong Kong,” pp. 80-93 (chi: 94-103).
---Hilary Binks/Oscar Ho/Johnson Chang

香港藝術館編:《香港藝術家》第二輯(香港:康樂及文化事務署,2000)。Hong Kong Artists. Volume 2 (2000) [AAA]

文潔華:《自主的族群--十位香港新一代女性視覺藝術工作者》(香港:中華書局, 2000)。[AAA]

David Clarke, Hong Kong Art – Culture and Decolonization (Hong Kong University Press, 2001). [AAA]

李君毅編:《香港現代水墨畫文選》(香港:香港中外文化推廣協會,2001)。 [AAA]

祁大衛、何慶基編:《他人的故事 ── 我們的注腳:香港當代藝術研究1990-1999》(香港:香港藝術中心,2002)。 [AAA]

黎健強、梁寶山編:《從過渡跨越千禧 - 七人視藝評論自選文集》(香港:香港藝術中心, 2002)。 [AAA]
---李世莊:〈如何撰寫香港繪畫史 - 試論藝術館講座系列的問題〉,頁89-92。

黎健強編:《形彩風流 - 香港視覺文化史話》(香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2002)。 [AAA]

朱琦 (Zhu Qi) :《香港美術史》(香港:三聯書店,2005)。[AAA:REF ZHQ]

李世莊(編) :《從現實到夢幻: 陳福善的藝術》 (香港:亞洲藝術文獻庫,2006)。 [AAA MONL.CHL2]

林聰(編) :《藝術發展十年》 (香港:香港藝術發展局,2006)。 [j]

publications of Para/Site research based exhibition series

catalogues of HK Art Biennials

左右 Besides - A journal of art history & criticism
Vol1 (1997) Vol2 (1999) Vol3 (2001)


David Clarke, “Between East and West: Negotiations with Tradition and
Modernity in Hong Kong Art,” Third Text, Issue 28/29 (Autumn/Winter 1994), pp. 71-86.[n]
David Clarke, “Hong Kongness, Chineseness and Modernity – Issues
of Identity in Hong Kong Art,” Hong Kong Cultural Studies Bulletin,
Issue 4 (Winter 1995), pp. 82-84.[CU UL]
(See also SZE Man Hung, “A Response to David Clarke,” Hong Kong Cultural Studies Bulletin, Issue 4 (Winter 1995), pp. 86. [CU UL]

Eva MAN Kit Wa, “Postcolonialism and Contemporary Artistic Creation,” Hong Kong Cultural Studies Bulletin Issue 4 (Winter 1995), pp. 87-89.[CU UL]

Choi Yan-chi, "Beyond the Stock Market and Kung Fu Movies," Hong Kong Art, An Introduction in Toronto [catalogue] (1996), pp.2-7.

Edwin Lai, Hong Kong art photography : from its beginnings to the Japanese invasion of December 1941 [HKU Thesis (yr?)]

Oscar Ho, "The Long Road Back Home," Art AsiaPacific, no. 15, 1997, pp.
48-53. []

文潔華:〈香港繪畫美學與文化身份的反思 (1940-1980)〉,《思行交匯點》(香港:青文書屋, 1997), 頁?。

劉建華:〈以不一跨越單一:閱讀《從過渡跨越千禧--七人視藝評論自選文集》〉,《E+E》(Vol.4/ 2002夏),頁63-67。 [AAA]

劉建華:〈在後殖民文化處境出爐的《香港藝術》〉,刊《ps》(總17期,2002年夏季號),頁22-29。 [AAA]

黎美蓮:〈閱《香港藝術—文化與解殖民》,刊《ps》(總18期,2002年秋季號),頁32-34。 [AAA]

Review of David Clarke, Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization (Duke University Press, 2002). The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37:3 (Fall 2003): 112-118. []

Review of David Clarke, Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization (Duke
University Press, 2002). by Jason C. Kuo [China Review International,
Vol. 10, 2003] []

Review of David Clarke, Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization (Duke University Press, 2002). by Joan Kee [ December 6, 2002][]

劉建華:〈藝術史家的終結-悼念貢布里〉,《E+E》(Vol.2/ 2001冬/
卡爾:〈藝術史家的終結〉,《信報》(15 /1/2002),文化版,頁32。[AAA]

卡爾:〈難得風流 -讀《形彩風流-香港視覺文化史話》〉,《信報》(?/?/2003),文化版。 [AAA]

高美慶:〈香港藝術的中西交匯〉,《亞洲拼圖》([場刊] 香港: 香港文化博物館, 2003),頁48-55。 [AAA]
MayChing Kao, "The East/West Confluence in Hong Kong Art," in Mapping Asia [catalogue](Hong Kong: Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 2003), pp.48-55.

劉健威信報專欄[on Zhu Qi's History of Hong Kong Fine Arts] CLP.LKW.05.8 (2005)

黎健強:〈簡評《香港美術史》〉(i/ii) [see web section]

Elisa Meilin LAI, “A Short Review of Zhu Qi's History of Hong Kong
Fine Arts,” White Text, Issue #2. (2006) [AAA]

朱琦:〈為有源頭活水來—關於《香港美術史》的幾點說明〉,《信報》(22/3/2006)。 [AAA]


Frank Vigneron, "Deterritorialization the Arbitariness of Cultural Identity," White Text, Issue #3 (2006), 05-24.


The Hong Kong Art History Archive - Final Report (1995) REF.NGL

Edwin Lai and Jack Lee, 'A Chronology of Visual Arts Activities in Hong Kong,
1900-1930,' in Besides: A Journal of Art History and Criticism 1 (1997): 135-230.

Gao Minglu, ed., Inside Out: New Chinese Art (1998), pp. 207-11.

香港藝術雙年展簡略年表(1975-2001) 香港藝術雙年展2001 (香港藝術館)
Time Chart of the Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibitions (1975-2001) Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition 2001 (Hong Kong Museum of Art)

Someone else's story - our footnotes Contemporary Art of Hong Kong (1990-1999) (Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2002)

David Clarke, Hong Kong Art: A chronological database of art exhibitions in Hong Kong, searchable web-based database, Hong Kong Art Archive (
David Clarke, Art in Hong Kong: A Chronological Guide to Exhibitions
, Hong Kong Art Archive. Hong Kong, 2003.


David Clarke, Varieties of Cultural Hybridity: Hong Kong Art in the Late Colonial Era (1997)[]


David Clarke, The Culture of a Border Within: Hong Kong Art and China, Art
Journal (Summer, 2000).

LAI Mei Lin, MPhil. thesis (2001) Words and Images in Contemporary Hong Kong Art: 1984-1997 []


Hilary Binks, “Contemporary Art in Hong Kong” [Review of David Clarke, Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization (Duke University Press, 2002).]



陳智德: 此日中流自在行 ──再論香港藝術史與文學史的寫作

何翠芬: 回歸十年前後話──香港視覺藝術歷史的織路 []

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